Saturday, March 28, 2009

Family Movie Night

I've been randomly holding family movie nights the past year. It's not done on a regular basis just whenever the urge hits. Yesterday I saw Bolt was available on redbox so I decided it would be movie night. The kids enjoyed it. We liked the movie and may have to buy it for ourselves. Honestly I think the favorite part for the boys is the treats I make for movie night and the fact we all sit together on the couch to watch. Last night I served fresh squeezed lemonade and freshly popped popcorn, not the microwave kind but the fun to make on the stove kind, and banana splits. We had tons of fun and it reminded me I should do this more than we do. I'm thinking of hosting a drive in movie night during the summer. I think I'd have to invite some family and friends to make it more fun but I think everyone would have a blast. I'd move the big screen television into the back yard so it would be just like a drive in movie theatre. Anyone interested in coming?

Anyway the above picture is funny because about 10 minutes after the movie ended Zachary fell asleep on the couch.

1 comment:

mama_g said...

Nathan looks super happy about it though. Maybe you filled Zach up with too many goodies.