Monday, August 18, 2008


Last week was the Davis County Fair. I have to say I think I like the Davis county fair better than the Utah state fair for the kids. There is just so much more fun things for the little kids at the county fair. I didn't enter anything in any event this year, mainly because I messed up the entry date for the photo and I totally blew off the date for the bread entry.

The kids loved looking at all the animals and of course Noah as usual really got into seeing the animals. But the highlight part of the fair for the twins was the pony rides. Noah kept saying, while waiting in line, I'm going to be a cowboy. Nathan, as usual, was too scared to ride the ponies. We let the kids ride the big yellow slide by themselves and they enjoyed it.

1 comment:

Sherri said...

We went on Thursday night. It was fun! I wish we would have gone to the demolition derby because Caleb is totally into crashing cars...