If are readers of my food blog you've noticed me talking about the Crossroads Urban Center food co-op. Well I'm going to give it a mention here on my family blog for the readers who don't visit my food blog. I've been doing the coop for the past 3 years and have really liked it. I save money and I get non-processed food for a steal of a price. Yes sometimes the choices in veggies and fruits have not been to my linking but it's either forced me to try something new or to give it to a neighbor or food bank. I'm going to post what I received yesterday, the pick up is once a month, and then I'll link to previous pickups that I have blogged about. Here's how to order- link .
Yesterday's pickup:
2 8oz. top sirloin steaks
4 5oz. pork chops
2 lbs. chicken legs and thighs
1 lb. lean ground beef
2 lb. brown rice
2 loaves Stoneground's artisan wheat bread
6 lbs. yellow onions
14 lemons
17 apples
2 cantaloupe
7 red bell peppers
2 romaine lettuce
5 avocados
14 tomatoes
1 asparagus
2 ham steaks
1 loaf German rye bread
1 package Colosimo's kielbasa sausage
For a grand total of: $48.25 , look at the top of this post for pictures.
Now here are links to a few other pick ups from a few months ago:
Jan 2009
June 2008
May 2008
April 2008
As you can see the quantity of items increased over the year. The more people they have buy the more they are able to purchase. Anyway I've really liked the coop and I hope you give it a try to see if you like it too.